Monday, March 26, 2018

camp wakarara

slowly like a sloth I creep out of the glaring incredible Truck , I could feel the swift breeze squish against my soft face while cold icicles intrude into my sub zero skin.suddenly i Arrive at the swamp track after a bumpy ride along the gravel road feeling anxious with butterflys in my puku while goosebumps spread in milliseconds across me, we stumble to the beginning of the track moments later i get my bearing for my compass i step foot into the sharp tipped crown fern while it cuts me. I suddenly smell a scent of sap nearby well it unblocks my nostrils in a matter taima.Out of know were colosle bush lawyer snatches my adidas potae like a thief taking candy from a baby I heave and roar to get back my potae I finally snippet back my potae.I suddenly stumbleupon a root in the rough drenched area of gooey mud when i got up i was soaked!!! But I just kept on gassing through the bush like a tank.

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