Tuesday, June 28, 2016

my goals

My goals

I want to read longer books, like chapter books so I can be a better reader.

I want to get better at writing super sentences, especially using powerful verbs.

I want to know my 3 times table then learn more of my times tables.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Letter to Mr White

Room 19
Frimley school
Frimley road
17 june 2016

Dear Mr White,
In room 19 we have been picking up rubbish all around the school.   So here are some of the worse places in the school.  Room 8 and 9,   Room 16 to 21, the field,  the playground and by the kindy.  Here are the places where everyone goes. Me and Abbey are by the sandpit,  Georgia and Hannah are doing rooms 4 to 7 .  Tobey and Jake are by the kindy.    Elideen and Lachie are by 8 and 9.  Ryan and tahlia are by 10 to 14.  I think we should put more rubbish bins out around the school.

Yours sincerely,

Rico Tawhai

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Swim Safe

On Thursday the 9 of June a lady called Melanie taught us about swim safety in the hall at 9:00.  She said when your in a little bit of trouble you put your hand up straight because if you wave your hand everywhere people will think you're waving at them but you will be drowning instead.  If you see someone drowning you get help or chuck a ball or a life jacket or a surf board.  If your parents say that you're going for a ride on your boat you need to say where's my life jacket and if your parents say you don't need one.  You say no I need a life jacket.  Plus if you're drowning  you cross your arms and roll up into a ball.  If you crash your boat everyone makes a circle and put  your hands on their back so everyone warms up because if you get too cold you get hyperthermia  and freeze to death. Thanks for looking at my Blog  please make a comment.
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