Wednesday, May 17, 2017

eel report

Eel Report - by RicoElectric-Eel-03.jpg ...Eels, Freshwater Eel, HealthyFile:Muraena helena.2 ...
Slippery, slithery, elegant eels hide in the banks of rivers throughout New Zealand. People in New Zealand like to feast on  these magnificent creatures, but today i am going to explain what these fascinating creatures deserve.

Even though the Eel looks like a snake it is really just a fish. Eels enemies are large carnivorous fish, such as barracuda. It's other enemies are other eels, humans, sea snakes, raccoons, and large sea birds. It depends on the type of eel and size.

Eels live in both saltwater and freshwater. Most eels live in the shallow waters of the ocean or river. Eels eat little things like maybe little fish and they eat ‘’live’’ food. Small longfin eels are living amongst the river gravels. They will feed on insect larvae, worms, and water snails.

The females release their eggs, the males fertilise them and the adults die after spawning. The eggs hatch into larvae that floats to the surface and it drifts back toward New Zealand. Moray eels are the only animals that use pharyngeal jaws to actively capture and restrain prey. Morays secrete a protective mucus over their smooth, scales skin, which in some species contains toxin.


The slithery slimy creature is as long as a table. There are so many facts and information about this magnificent creature.

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