Thursday, October 26, 2017

complex sentences

In Rm 16/17 we have been doing complex sentences for the last week for warm ups before we do writing so we know what to do and how and so we remember what to put in our sentences and stories.The teacher gives us a sentence then we have to turn it into a complex sentence here are the ones i've done so far. 

Mr Marple is a school teacher


Mr Marple, is the world's best teacher that plays rugby because he's a hearty fella that likes to bowl over people in rugby. Then one day bang! He broke his arm  from running up the guts to much.

The sun is shining

As the ra shone upon the land of Aotearoa we  gaze at it as if it were an piece of art.

She ran fast

The nice wonderful woman scidadiled fast down the racing line screaming like a little girl the crowd goes wild because she finally


The waves crashed on the rocks

As the crystal clear waves fearlessly clash into the thick and giant rocks it's humongous    drips of water fall  onto my head giving me a fright.

The rain dripped down

As the thundering wet and drought rain dripped on me i look like i just jumped in a pool

Snow littered the ground

As the swift sparkly snow drifted down to the ground it looked like a white rabbit's fur.

24. 10. 17.

The clouds drifted across the sky.

well the black stormy clouds lift across the dark sky I gaze at them as if it were the end of the world.

A lot of people went to the show on friday

A bunch of excited and happy people went to the fascinating show.

The roller flattened the stones on the astroturf.

The furious colossal roller mounts the hard rocks on our exiting new astroturf.  


Dad ran to the shop

On a hot exhausting day  dad trips and flips  to the dairy to get us some munchies.
Mum walked the dog

The fears unstoppable rottweiler growls at anyone that it sees in it's way that's why mum likes to take it for a walk.

Sally baked a birthday cake.

sally the angry lady baked a cake so she could shove it in her kids faces.


The car raced around the corner.

The chrome colored lambo drifts like never before down the block banging into to other cars with big and  bold  colors finally it  came to a end because the police came.

Sam made a coffee

Sam i am made a yum tasting cappuccino that was bursting with flavour on my taste buds.

Laurel  sang a beautiful song.

While laurel broke all the windows from here high singing i crap up while covering my ears at the same time.

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